Transnational Project Meetings

3rd Geo3En Transnational Project Meeting – Reykjavik University, Iceland

The 3rd Geothermal Energy European Education Network (Geo3En) transnational project meeting was held from May 6th to 7th 2022, at Reykjavik University (Iceland). The objectives of this third transnational project meeting were to set the deadline of the final deliverables to produce, to make a mid-term evaluation of Geo3En training activities and finalize their evaluation process.

Geo3En Kick Off Meeting

After its official start on November 1st,2019, Geothermal Energy European Education Network (Geo3EN) Kick-off meeting took place on December 5th-6th, 2019 at UniLaSalle (France). The Geo3EN is a 30-months Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships project. It aims to build a two-year Master programme in Geothermal Energy. Geo3En objective results from the need to remedy to the lack.