
This week saw RU host the last Geo3En’s physical ISP

From June 20 to 24, Reykjavik University (RU) organised the last Geo3En physical training activity (ISP). The students were welcomed at the “Sun” (main atrium) at the Reykjavík University campus located at Menntavegur 1, 102 Reykjavík on Monday, June 20th. Then, followed a presentation of RU from 10:00 to 12:00. Three field trips were planned.

End of RU’s online training activity

During this week, Reykjavik University organised Geo3En’s last online training activity. List of online lectures given during the week: Conceptual models of Icelandic geothermal systems. Geothermal power plant configurations. Environmental & resource impact of geothermal utilization: extracting maximum value from the geothermal project. A brief discussion of components and aspects of geothermal fluid and systems,.

Closing of the third Geo3En Physical ISP organised by TUDA

From May 16 to 20, the Technical University of Darmastadt (TUDA) organised Geo3En’s third physical training activity (ISP). This training week in Germany was the occasion for students to team build. The students worked on their group report, and apply what they studied during UniLaSalle and UniZG online/onsite training activities (including decision making tool DMS.

Completion of the Geo3En field training activity, organised by ULS

From May 9 to 13, the Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle (ULS) organised Geo3En’s second physical training activity (ISP). In order to visualize a real reservoir geometry and describe fault structure all students visited mines within the Upper Rhine Graben shoulders in Vosges and Black Forest massifs. Ore deposits have been exploited along meter thick veins, i.e..

3rd Geo3En Transnational Project Meeting – Reykjavik University, Iceland

The 3rd Geothermal Energy European Education Network (Geo3En) transnational project meeting was held from May 6th to 7th 2022, at Reykjavik University (Iceland). The objectives of this third transnational project meeting were to set the deadline of the final deliverables to produce, to make a mid-term evaluation of Geo3En training activities and finalize their evaluation process.

This week saw UniZG host the first Geo3En’s physical ISP

From April 25 to 29, the University of Zagreb (UniZG) organised Geo3En’s first physical training activity (ISP). During this week in Croatia, the students the opportunity to apply and illustrate what the theoretical concepts taught during UniZG preparatory online training. On-site training agenda Monday, 25 April 2022: Visit of the Electrical substation Žerjavinec National control.

UniZG’s online training activity just ended

From April 19 to 22, the University of Zagreb organised Geo3En’s third online training activity. There will be six ULS students will be selected to participate to these activities. On the week agenda: – 19 April 2022: Introduction to power engineering /Technical thermodynamics /Power plant operation – 20 April 2022: Turbines and fluid machinery/ Geothermal.

End of UniLaSalle’s online training activity

From April 11 to 15, the Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle organised Geo3En’s second online training activity. List of online lectures given during the week:  3D outcrop visualization a. Basic principles of photogrammetric techniques b. 3D visualization software presentation c. Recognition of overprinting deformation phases and strain gradients d. Reconstruction of outcrop structural modelto be verified in.

TUDA organised the first Geo3En online training activity this week.

From April 4 to 8, the Technical University Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt) organised Geo3En’s first online training activity. The goal of this first week of ISP was to give the students an overview of the full process of the life of a geothermal project, from geothermal system identifictaion, potential calculation, to site implementation, drilling and operations:.

ISP Online Kick-off meeting with students

A kick-off meeting was organised by the Geo3En consortium on March 28, 2022, from 15:00 to 17:00 (CET Paris), in order to introduce the ISP training activities to the participating students. There will be six students each from ULS, RU and UniZG as well as five students from TUDA. On the meeting agenda: – Short.